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Our achievements

Major achievements in recent years (3 years):

Agriculture is the main driving force of socio-economic development and tradition of Bengal / more than 45 percent of the total manpower of this country is related to the agricultural sector / so the overall development of agriculture is connected with the development of the entire country / in this direction, the agriculture department of Nandale is playing a role in the overall development of the country. 326.38 square kilometers Nandail upazila consists of 13 unions and 1 municipality. Total farmer families are about 88000 cropping intensity is 209% about 85% farmers are marginal and medium. Medium and high land 57% Net arable land 24118 hectares Two crop land 81% The amount of land under irrigation is about 92%. In the past years Nandale upazila has achieved unprecedented success in agriculture. In the financial year 2022-2023, the cultivation of Boro crop increased to 22250 ha and Ropa Amon achieved 22380 ha, Aush 1550 ha. 62 fruit orchards have been set up in Nandail through initiatives to ensure good health of the people. A three-year plan has been formulated to increase cultivation of oilseeds in the existing cropping system. Commercial production, marketing and use of Ketcho fertilizer has started in Nandail to improve soil health. "Not even an inch of farmer's land should be left fallow" 328 family vegetable nutrition gardens have been set up in Nandail as per instructions of Hon'ble Prime Minister, farmers have been trained in modern agriculture and cultivation of various types of vegetables has been started in Polynet House in Nandail.